So I've got these four (five, kind of) broad skill categories for Rain: Fighting, Storytelling, Athletics, and Wizardry. If a character has Storytelling 3 for Frightened, he can us Storytelling to apply 3 marks of Frightened to a listener.
That works very well. It allows a lot of narrative freedom, which is awesome. The thing is, that freedom is also a weakness. I have some players saying they feel like they need more definition. What they seem to be telling me is that they want to know what they can't do.
I totally get that, and I think it's an important distinction: what can be done versus what can't be done. I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to define what the player's can do - and I think I've got that nailed. It's time to start thinking about what they can't do.
I could do this through Weaknesses, or by having them choose specializations, and they can only give marks when using those specializations. It's still a can vs can't, but it's worth looking into. We'll see what happens.
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